Fairy Ring


bronze with patina
A fairy ring is a circular ring of mushrooms that occurs naturally in forested areas. Fungi grow underground and the mushrooms sprout in a ring as they grow outwards from a central point. Fairy rings are the subject of myth and folklore in various cultures, often associated with supernatural or magical properties. They have been believed to be portals to other realms or the meeting place of fairies and other supernatural beings.
This installation draws inspiration from the Chinese legend of the magical lingzhi mushroom. The cast bronze mushrooms are arranged on the wall in a circular formation, reminiscent of ancient cultures such as Stonehenge. This connection highlights the enduring fascination humans have had with circular formations and their significance in understanding the natural world and the supernatural realm.
The turquoise patina finish on the bronze sculptures accentuates the textures that resemble tree rings, adding a sense of aging and the passage of time. The deep grooves on each mushroom’s face signify the indelible marks of aging and the passage of time. The use of bronze adds an intriguing dichotomy to the delicate nature of the lingzhi mushrooms, emphasizing the contrast between impermanence and longevity.